0/0 steps made- Schezwan Sauce is originated in Sichuan province, China. The original recipe use Sichuan pepper. But here we use Kashmiri pepper . So let’s start
- Deseed Kashmiri pepper and Dry Red chillies, Soak in hot water for about 15-20 minutes.
- Lets grind it with 2 teaspoon of water we used for soaking it , to a smooth paste
- In a pan, Heat oil, add Garlic, Ginger and Saute it till the raw smell goes
- Add chopped Onion and Shallots and saute till it almost become translucent
- Now we will grind roasted Ginger – garlic mixture to smooth paste.( do not add any water)
- In the same oil, add the paste, add Chilly paste and mix well
- Add Water, Soy Sauce, Tomato Ketchup, Vinegar, Salt and Sugar
- Let them to boil and stir continuously on low flame, Till it reach the right consistency, and Oil become visible
- Switch the flame off, Let it Cool. Keep it in an air tight container for making Schezwan Fried Rice for Schezwan Paneer curry etc.
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