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  1. Paal Cake or Milk Cake is a Malabar tea shop snack . You can have this on almost all tea shops in Malabar area. Let’s start
  2. First we in a bowl take one egg with yolk. Next we will add 1 tablespoon Sugar and beat well.
  3. Next we will add Butter,  Cardamom powder, and Milk. Mix well
  4. If you dont have milk, You can add Milk powder too and if required can use hot water to mix dough
  5. We will sieve together All-purpose Flour, Baking soda, Salt to mix well
  6. We will add the flour mix little by little to the egg mix and kneed to a soft dough
  7. Keep it to rest for 20-30 minutes
  8. We will make sugar syrup
  9. In a pan add 1/2 cup sugar and 3/4 cup water. Cook it in medium flame. Stir continuously
  10. When it start to thicken add Lemon juice. We need 1  string consistency.
  11. We will dip warm Milk cake in warm sugar syrup. so be careful with timing
  12. Now no need to kneed. just mix lightly with hand
  13. Roll it with a pin to a 1/4 inch thick sheet preferably square shape
  14. Cut it to 2-4 inch long and 1/2 inch width strips
  15. Deep fry each piece in brown colour
  16. Dip each batch Milk cake in Sugar syrup for 10 minutes. Malabar special Paal cake is ready