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  1. Mix sugar wand water/milk. Dissolve Active Dry yeast in it. Keep it for 10 minute
  2. If a bubbly foam is generated, the yeast is good and can use, else buy a new packet and start again fresh
  3. Mix flour and salt well. Pour yeast water , butter and kneed well to make a dough
  4. If you need soft pav you have to kneed more.
  5. Now keep the dough in a bowl and cover it with wet kitchen towel. Let it sit there for 2 hours or till it will be double in size
  6. Now kneed once more and divide it into 6 equal parts. and create equal balls
  7. Now in a greased tray place the balls and brush it with milk
  8. Keep it for another one hour. Again it will be  bigger in size
  9. Preheat the oven at
  10. Before baking do milk wash once more
  11. Bake it for 30 minutes at 180 degree
  12. As soon as baking is over, and the pav is out, brush again with milk (total of three times)
  13. Now your Pav is ready